
  • 鲍勃·查普曼
  • 鲍勃·查普曼
    首席执行官 & Barry-Wehmiller的主席

多年来, I’ve had the privilege to present our Truly Human 领导 journey to many different audiences.

是否对美国领导人有利.S. 美国国会.S. 军事, 或者医疗保健行业, 全球首席执行官, 阿斯彭创意节, or to business schools such as Harvard University, 福特汉姆, 华盛顿, St大学. 路易斯和其他人,我的目标是 相同的.

通过Barry-Wehmiller的故事, I want to show people the impact business can have on people’s lives. That business can be a powerful force for good. That the way we lead impacts the way people live.

几周前, I was invited to highlight our initiatives at all levels to bring our message to educational institutions during the United Nations Transforming Education Summit on 由 PRME (Principles for Responsible Management Education.) You can watch my presentation in the video below:


This is how Sanda Ojiambo, Assistant Secretary-General and Executive Director and 首席执行官 of the U.N. 全球契约, described the panel in which I participated, “Educate the Educator: Transformative Pedagogies for Innovative 领导 Skills in the 私营部门.”

There is an urgent need to call for system-level commitment from governments, 私营部门, and business schools and universities in a mutual bottom-up/top-down approach to change the role of higher education institution educators by developing actionable, rewarded and institutionally supported practices and pedagogies that will scale up innovative global 管理 education towards the (sustainable development goals.)

As PRME said in their press release of the event:“传统上, business schools and business faculties have not been sufficiently equipped with the holistic training necessary to give students the tools to address the world’s systemic problems as future managers and leaders.”

I would change the last line of that statement to say that students haven’t been given the tools to address the world’s systemic problems as future leaders. 他们已经被教育成为管理者了. 他们需要被教导的是 如何成为领导者.

正如我常说的,我定义 管理 as the manipulation of others for your success. 但 领导 is the stewardship of the lives entrusted to you. 深刻的差异. What we are suffering from in this world is 领导 malpractice and I am proud to have presented that perspective to the U.N. 

I was invited to speak at the Transforming Education Summit by Mette Morsing, Head of PRME. PRME has a mandate from the United Nations' Secretary General to transform 管理 education. 今天,prime是美国.N.'s largest global initiative on sustainability in 领导 education for the SDGs, 可持续发展目标.

我和梅特是在一起工作时认识的 人文领导学院, PRME是其合作伙伴组织. You’ll recall that this group – comprised of business leaders and professors from around the world – have a goal to transform business education to be more humanistic and people-oriented. 他们想要 transform business education from being institutions that train people to “manage” into institutions that foster humanistic leaders who honor individual dignity and demonstrate the courage to care for others.

The 人文领导学院 recently had another meeting of cohorts at our BW Papersystems facility in Phillips, 威斯康辛州. Their numbers are growing and you can following along with their progress or join the effort yourself 在他们的新网站上.

领导这一集中努力的是 BW的战略总监, 改善及文化, 布莱恩Wellinghoff, 迈克尔·皮尔逊, 管理学副教授, 全球可持续发展, and Social Entrepreneurship at 福特汉姆 University and Research Fellow at Harvard University.

We very excited that through Brian’s work with the Humanistic Business Academy, he has been invited to speak at the Human Flourishing Forum, 将于11月3日至4日在梵蒂冈举行为期两天的活动.

The Human Flourishing Forum is a gathering of luminaries and stakeholders to explore human flourishing research efforts to-date and facilitate closer collaboration between academic, government and corporate actors invested in ensuring every person on Earth understands what they need to flourish. The Forum is intended to catalyze both awareness and action towards accelerating human flourishing. 

在几个月的时间里, the principles of Truly Human 领导 and the change they can bring to business and to people’s lives will be presented at the U.N. 和梵蒂冈!  

We at Barry-Wehmiller have been blessed with a message that can change the world. We’ve seen the change it brought to our company and the lives of those here within our span of care. As we were told a long time ago, we would be selfish if we did 不与他人分享推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的经验.  

It is rewarding to have the opportunity to share our message to organizations with worldwide reach like the U.N. 和梵蒂冈 and we will continue to share it far and wide until Truly Human 领导 is not the outlier, 这是常态.



Need help in applying principles of Truly Human 领导 in your organization? 查普曼 & Co. 领导 Institute is Barry-Wehmiller's 领导 consulting firm that partners with other companies to create strategic visions, 参与员工, improve corporate culture and develop outstanding leaders through 领导 training, 评估及工作坊.

欲知详情,请浏览 cco领导.com

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